The RonranGlee Literary Scholarship awards $2,000 to high school seniors and undergraduates excelling in literary analysis. Applicants must attend a two- or four-year institution and submit a paragraph and essay on text interpretation.

Who Can Apply– High school seniors
– Undergraduate students (two- or four-year programs)
SubmissionSubmit a paragraph and a short essay demonstrating your ability to analyze underlying meanings in literature.
AnnouncementJan 17
Scholarship Amount$2,000
Learn More & Apply

Ronan Glee’s Literary Scholarship



Grade level

High School Seniors & College Students

Expected Open Date

October 17, 2024

Expected deadline:

December 2025

Winner Announcement

January 17, 2025

The Ronan Glee Literary Scholarship helps students who excel in understanding and analyzing literature.

This scholarship highlights the skill of finding deeper meanings in texts and also skill that enhances the college learning experience.

Eligibility Criteria

This scholarship is open to students who meet the eligibility criteria below:

  • Education Level: High School Seniors, College Students and undergraduates in two- or four-year colleges.
  • Academic Interest: Literature/Writing/English/Text
  • Skills Required: You need to show talent in close reading and literary analysis.

Application Requirements

To apply, you need to submit:

  1. Written Submission: A paragraph that shows your understanding of literary works.
  2. Short Essay: This should explain how you interpret deeper meanings in texts.

Scholarship Details

  • Award Amount: You could receive $2,000!
  • Application Deadline: June 18, 2025.

How to Apply for the RonranGlee Literary Scholarship?

To apply for the RonranGlee Literary Scholarship, follow these steps:

  1. Verify Eligibility: High school senior or undergraduate student enrolled in a two- or four-year institution.
  2. Prepare Application Materials:
    • Written Submissions:
      • A paragraph demonstrating your close reading skills.
      • A short essay interpreting the underlying meaning of a chosen text.
  3. Submit Application:
    • Complete the application process on the scholarship page.
    • Ensure all required materials are included.

Make sure you check your eligibility and prepare your submissions. Getting this scholarship could be a great step in your academic journey.


Choose a paragraph from any text (include the excerpt in your response), ideally from a classic work of literature or philosophy. Write a concise essay analyzing the deeper meaning behind the author’s words. Focus on interpretation rather than summary, and clearly state your thesis upfront.

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